The DeepMind Keynotes and Fireside Chat
Moderated by Judith Fan (UCSD)
Malcolm MacIver
Northwestern University
Moira Dillon
New York University
Deepak Pathak
Carnegie Mellon University
The Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Keynotes and Fireside Chat
Moderated by Bill Newsome (Stanford)
Chelsea Finn
Stanford University
David Redish
University of Minnesota
Anne Collins
UC Berkeley
Moderated by Katherine Heller (Google Brain)
Joseph Fins
Weill Cornell Medical School
Francesca Rossi
IBM AI Ethics Global Leader
Varieties of Human-Like AI
Ida Momennejad
Microsoft Research
Arthur Juliani
Eleni Nisioti
Putting perception into action: Inverse optimal control for continuous psychophysics
Constantin Rothkopf
TU Darmstadt
Dominik Straub